05 August 2011


I'm back, with memories of a dreamy and wonderful July in Paris...

04 August 2011

Last day in Paris!

It's been a real treat to spend a month here. Beautiful city, beautiful art... Back to NYC this evening!

This picture is so cool - my friends and I went to MAC/VAL, this contemporary art museum on the edge of Paris, and this piece was by Shilpa Gupta and it was totally mind-blowing: essentially you stood and could see your shadow on the screen, and then random objects in shadow form would appear and you could interact with them. We had to take a photo (I'm on the left.)

03 August 2011


King Louis shows some leg.

The grounds were actually so much more impressive than the palace, if I can be honest.

I wonder how much of this interior decor I can try to emulate in my New York apartment...